Cracked egg

Coming Out of the Shell

Eatlah is a street food stall, but it is more fitting to be dubbed as a refuge for salted egg chicken enthusiasts. Apart from its eye-catching stall, it’s their commitment in delivering one good dish and doing it well that makes Eatlah stand out. Don’t be surprised to see this modest dish invading Indonesia soon.

Cracked egg


After living for nearly a decade in Singapore and Malaysia, the dish had become the primary refuge for the trio behind Eatlah (Riesky Vernandes, Charina Prinandita, and Michael Chrisyanto) when it comes to quick and easy meal during their student days.

After moving back to Indonesia for good, they hankered to bring the authentic taste of Singaporean salted egg chicken to Jakarta, which led them to learn more about the recipe of the dish from their favourite salted egg chicken stall in Singapore.

Riesky Vernandes
Riesky Vernandes
Charina Prinandita
Charina Prinandita
Michael Chrisyanto
Michael Chrisyanto
Egg Egg


By 2018, Eatlah has already established 14 of the largest branches in Jabodetabek, Bandung and Semarang. Charina stated that one branch can sell an average of 300 boxes per day, making a total of 9000 sales per month.

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Eatlah food